Sunday, June 2, 2013

Friday in the City – Robin Reynolds at Prince Street Gallery

Friday in the City – Robin Reynolds at Prince Street Gallery

Robin Reynolds, Elisabeth's Flowers, 46x46, oil mounted on board
The most fantastic paintings are the ones in which the process is transparent, the mark making is sincere, and bold color is celebrated.  Robin Reynolds’ paintings at Prince Street Gallery were all of those things.  The first thing I noticed when I stepped off the elevator was the saturated color in the abstracted square compositions of Reynolds’ garden paintings.  

The printed card does not show in any way the vibrancy of the permanent rose, red, and pinkish tangerine marks, or the cobalt strokes glowing against an emerald field.  The color is fresh and bright and had the hands of Reynolds masterful eye for color theory, the paintings have a dramatic impact.  The connectivity and interplay between neutrals and whites, cozying up to carefully calibrated complimentary colors appears to have been as much fun for Reynolds to paint as it is to see in person.  Upon closer inspection, the luminosity of the color was enhanced by the glossy and liquid texture of the paint.  Of all paint textures, glossy and liquid are my favorite!  The color glowed from the inside giving the paintings a masterful dual sense of light.  The transparency of the energetic and lithe gestured marks was fascinating because, underneath, linear, charcoal flowers bloom, giving the viewer a window in which to see Reynolds’ process.  The beautiful and fresh integration of drawing and painting elements are refreshing and exciting!  

The square compositions, many on stretched paper, were composed from Reynolds’ observation of the garden just outside her back door, in her backyard.  The concept of finding the source for the academic investigation and the exploitation of the fundamental elements to make great art just outside your backdoor is something I find to be irresistibly attractive.  The texture of a paper ground, in lieu of canvas, was also gorgeous.  

I am a little late in writing this and the show is down already but more information can be found at 

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