Tuesday, March 30, 2010

11 days

I am going to Vermont in 11 days.  I am going to do a half residency at the Vermont Studio Center with an Artist's Grant.  While I am there I am going to set some goals for my paintings.  My goals are as follows:

1. To paint fluidly and directly.

2. To paint the light as accurately as possible using color.

3. To use line as another mark to be made to better communicate form.

These are going to be the main thoughts, but I've been thinking a lot about space and depth, and whether or not to invite the viewer into that space.  My winter snow paintings were clearly keeping the viewer at arms length and not letting them really get passed the picture plane, and I wonder if I'm still doing that with my treeline paintings.  I may be letting them in past the picture plane, but not that far...This conflict is merely an observation after the fact.  I am not thinking about these things while I am painting, but observing them after. 

I am also counting down to Thursday!  Can't wait to see the thesis show! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi.

    As usual, you create very strong textures that give the paintings subtle tension. You paint simple subjects, but your paintings are not boring at all: very strong and have great rhythm. It's always nice to see your work.
